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Estara Health LLC website. This website is no longer active.
The site is maintained to document years of Curanderismo and Colorado Kalpulli Groupo Xochitl's work. Dr. Sofia has shifted her focus to other areas of Curanderismo and to support former apprentices who are now Kalpulli Maestras into leadership roles. The maestras will be hosting the Kalpulli Community Circles and teaching future apprentices. Dr. Chavez's work with Sacred psychedelic Mushrooms, Cultural Base Care CBC treatments, courses, presentations, events and collaborations can be found on Linkedin or email: luz, paz, amor, conciencia y Armonia- Ometeotl

Estara treatments are effective for physical, spiritual and emotional concerns.
Private Healing Sessions
Private Sessions with Sofia Chavez are available, call 303-726-7119
Dr. Sofia Chavez, Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine DNM, Certified Master Herbalist-American Naturopathic Medical Association, Indigenous Reiki TM-Tapping into the Meridian Labyrinth of The Body using the Curanderismo Perspective, NADA Acu-Detox Specialist.
Sofia was raised with the healing traditions of her ancestors from Cubero and Tijeras New Mexico. As an adult, she continued to learn the healing ways of her ancestors: Curanderismo and Meso American Healing Techniques with Centro Del Desarrollo Humano, University of Morelos, Cuernavaca Mexico in 2007-ongoing.
Typical sessions last for one to two hours.