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Sound and Healing

Experience the world of sound energy and vibrations through the use of your voice and indigenous instruments. Purposeful activities with sound also allow the individual to enter into a sacred space in relationship with the divine.

Clinical studies show that healing sounds affect the heart rate, breath rate, blood pressure, brain waves and organ systems. The ancient modality of sound healing is now being used in hospitals, schools and clinics throughout the world; it relieves stress and restores balance to the body

Course Description
Learn how to use your voice and instruments to give yourself and your loved ones an internal massage with sound.
Learn how to change energetic patterns and create a space of balance and harmony in your body and your environment. Sound used effectively can be a cooperative energy that washes over the body and touches the personality and psychological tendencies which influence health. It can bring enlightened and peaceful thoughts which eventually regenerate mental patterns and start to condition the person to �positive thinking, attitude and hope�.
Learn the Feng Shui of Sound for your home/environment.
Level One
This experiential class is based on the philosophy and concepts of Curanderismo, Shamanism and other ancient traditions that use sounds as a healing tool. Learn about the anatomy of the ear and how sound affects the physical body. Understand the science behind �Sound and Healing� and the �Relaxation Response�. This class allows you to experience ancient practices of sound in healing modalities, using voice, drums, rattles and other instruments. Experience a sound bath and how it can help take the eyes off the personality and daily concerns, the attention moves from the outer world to the inner subtle world of spirit and emotion. The body is encouraged to relax into a place of tranquility and peacefulness.
Level Two
Level One will provide the foundation for this experiential class. This is a �hands on� class which focuses on learning to use sound as a harmonizing and balancing tool for your home and work environment or healing practice. Create your own healing environment using sounds. Learn how sound can be used in a therapeutic setting. Students participate in receiving a Sound Bath and participate in giving a Sound Bath.
Please call for course dates.