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Estara Health LLC website. This website is no longer active.
The site is maintained to document years of Curanderismo and Colorado Kalpulli Groupo Xochitl's work. Dr. Sofia has shifted her focus to other areas of Curanderismo and to support former apprentices who are now Kalpulli Maestras into leadership roles. The maestras will be hosting the Kalpulli Community Circles and teaching future apprentices. Dr. Chavez's work with Sacred psychedelic Mushrooms, Cultural Base Care CBC treatments, courses, presentations, events and collaborations can be found on Linkedin or email: luz, paz, amor, conciencia y Armonia- Ometeotl

Areas of Involvement - Scope of Interests
- Healing Circles & Reiki Exchange
- The Healing Circle and Reiki Exchange is now a mobile part of the Dance of The Flower Medicine. It includes such activities as sacred ceremony, meditation, discussions, sound and healing, aromatherapy, philosophies of Cosmic Forces, power animals and many more topics. The Circle gives you the opportunity to learn about the ancient ways and rituals and to learn how they can work for you in your daily life. Healing Circles can be tailored as a onetime event or as a series of informative classes which include an experiential component. Please contact Estara if you are interested in offering a Healing Circle and Reiki Exchange for you office or business.
- Aromatherapy
- Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils and essential oils for psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Students will learn methods of using essential oils in the treatment of various common conditions. Oils should be used with care and in a responsible manner with focus on safety. Aromatherapy cannot take the place of conventional medicine but it can be used as a complementary therapy (with doctor's permission, if necessary.) The Aromatherapy Classes at Estara are designed for beginners as well as those with more experience.
- Meso-American Massage & Massage
- Massage for Mind-Body-Spirit. Bodywork and aromatherapy combined with Sound and Healing. Ancient healing modalities combined with Modern Integrative Therapy Science and Occupational therapy Philosophies.
- Indigenous Reiki™
- Reiki classes at Estara combine traditional Usui Reiki principles with the ancient traditions of the Southwestern United States. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) classifies Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch and Reiki as bio-field therapies, the medical use of subtle energy field in and around the body for positive health effects.
- The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) classifies Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch and Reiki as biofield therapies, the medical use of subtle energy field in and around the body for positive health effects.
- Sound and Healing
- Experience the world of sound energy and vibrations through the use of your voice and indigenous instruments. Purposeful activities with sound also allow the individual to enter into a sacred space in relationship with the divine.
Clinical studies show that healing sounds affect the heart rate, breath rate, blood pressure, brain waves and organ systems.
The ancient modality of sound healing is now being used in hospitals, schools and clinics throughout the world; it relieves stress and restores balance to the body. - Auricular Therapies
- Estara combines Chinese, Mayan and Western Systems of Ear- Auricular therapies with Indigenous Reiki and Meso American techniques to provide a unique holistic auricular treatment.