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Estara Health LLC website. This website is no longer active.
The site is maintained to document years of Curanderismo and Colorado Kalpulli Groupo Xochitl's work. Dr. Sofia has shifted her focus to other areas of Curanderismo and to support former apprentices who are now Kalpulli Maestras into leadership roles. The maestras will be hosting the Kalpulli Community Circles and teaching future apprentices. Dr. Chavez's work with Sacred psychedelic Mushrooms, Cultural Base Care CBC treatments, courses, presentations, events and collaborations can be found on Linkedin or email: luz, paz, amor, conciencia y Armonia- Ometeotl

Holistic Health and Education Center
Estara Health and Wellness believes in a world of love and peace and is a member of The International Collaboration of Indigenous Healers, Curanderos, Sanadores and Shamans which originated in the sacred mountains of the Tepoztlan valley in Mexico, whose goal is to work toward global health and planet sustainability. What is often referred to as modern, holistic and integrative medicine was practiced for hundreds of years by ancient cultures that carried valuable stories of their individual health practices and in their stories is embedded the understanding of the correlation between health and the mind, body and spirit. In these ancient practices there is a power to transform individuals as well as nations. Estara is involved in Holistic, Integrative Therapies Education and implementation of Indigenous Collaborations building bridges between Allopathic and Traditional Medicine.
Founded On Ancient Principles and Practices
Estara Health and Wellness, founded by Dr. Sofia Chavez, DNM, of Spanish and Native American roots is founded on the ancient principles and practices of these two cultures. Estara strives to educate the public on the connection of physical and emotional disease with the health of the body, mind and spirit. Through the use of ancient healing traditions such as Curanderismo we teach classes and do Community Outreach Programs to reintroduce people to these practices which strengthen this mind, body, spirit connection resulting in a state of wellness that results in greater health.
Presentations and Workshops by Dr. Sofia Chavez, DNM
Sofia is available for presentations and workshops on Curanderismo and Ancient Traditions, Sensory Integration and ADD, Sound and Healing and Aromatherapy. If you are interested in having Sofia come speak to your organization or group please email us at; let us know what your needs are and we will put together a presentation or workshop that fits those needs.
Dr. Sofia Chavez, Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine DNM, Certified Master Herbalist-American Naturopathic Medical Association, Indigenous Reiki TM-Tapping into the Meridian Labyrinth of The Body using the Curanderismo Perspective, NADA Acu-Detox Specialist.
Ancient Wisdom Teachings and Classes
Estara offers classes that have their roots in indigenous medicines of the world. While the classes are taught with respect for and awareness of how and why they were used in ancient times, they also teach the modern science of why the modalities work. Classes at Estara look at how each modality affects our body, mind and spirit and how we can use them in our daily lives as tools for change for ourselves and others. We offer classes in Aromatherapy, Auricular Therapies, Acupressure, Raspada, Sound and Healing, Curanderismo and Shamanic Practices. The Founder of Estara, created and teaches a unique form of Reiki, Indigenous Reiki, which has been offered in Research Studies, clinical and community settings as well as in her private practice.
Working In A Variety of Communities
As part of our Community Outreach Programs Estara works in various communities in the Metro Denver area teaching experiential classes that strengthen this connection. Each class addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual components of health. Estara Volunteers lead classes on exercise, meditation, nutrition, herbal remedies and sound healing. The classes also give the participants the opportunity to receive sessions in such practices as Reiki, Aromatherapy and Sound and Healing.
Complimentary or Alternative Care
Complimentary and alternative care encompasses therapies with a historical or cultural basis. Alternative medicine practices are as diverse in their foundations as in their methodologies. Practices may incorporate or base themselves on traditional medicine, folk knowledge, spiritual beliefs, or newly conceived approaches to healing.
Learn more ...
In the past decade, investigation into holistic health practices has brought about expanded consideration of the possible benefits of incorporating aspects complimentary medicine to the wellness equation. Established in 1991, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine or NCCAM explores complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science, training complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) researchers, and disseminating authoritative information to the public and professionals.