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Estara Health LLC website. This website is no longer active.

The site is maintained to document years of Curanderismo and Colorado Kalpulli Groupo Xochitl's work. Dr. Sofia has shifted her focus to other areas of Curanderismo and to support former apprentices who are now Kalpulli Maestras into leadership roles. The maestras will be hosting the Kalpulli Community Circles and teaching future apprentices. Dr. Chavez's work with Sacred psychedelic Mushrooms, Cultural Base Care CBC treatments, courses, presentations, events and collaborations can be found on Linkedin or email: schavez.estarahealth@gmail.com luz, paz, amor, conciencia y Armonia- Ometeotl

Estara Programs Banner



Join our morning platica

We will discuss lifestyle, health & wellness using a curanderismo perspective

Self Care, plants, herbs, stones, Azteca Calendar, healing modalities, temazcalli, Trips to Mexico!
Monthly 3rd Sunday Mornings 9:00-10:00AM MST
January - December 2025 cost $25

Dr. Sofia Chavez DNM
Professor Juan Carlos Solano

Dr. Sofia Chavez is a Board-Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, and Master Herbalist, Doctorate in Ministry Spiritual Medicine DSM, Practitioner of Curanderismo. Sofia is sharing her own experiences and opinions and is not representing the CO Natural Medicine Board or DORA.

Professor Juan Carlos Solano is affiliated with the University of Morelos, and is a Temazcalero and Curandero. He is involved in cultural restoration and preservation, reforestation and healing of the planet, youth education and violence prevention. Group Retreats focus on sacred sites and traditional indigenous medicine and practices.

Questions- call 303-726-7119 Sign Up Email: schavez.estarahealth@gmail.com

Decolonizing Medicine

IAM4US 12th Annual Conference-Virtual

Save The Date: Oct. 6-8, 2022
Support your self-care, family, and community health
Strauss Health Sciences Library, CU Anschutz
Traditional & Indigenous Medicine Lecture: Health Equity & Curanderismo, Bridging the Gap in Underserved Communities
Presented by:
Sofia Chavez
Lecture Date:
Wednesday, 01/19/2022

Im4Us Conference


Multi-Cultural Community Education Classes

Multi-Cultural Community Health and Wellness Classes
Support your self-care, family, and community health
Every Tuesday
990 Alcott Way, Denver 80204

English and Spanish translation

Work with licensed and certified practitioners from various communities, including integrative therapy practitioners, yoga instructors, acupuncturists, psychotherapists- NLC and Traditional Indigenous Healers.

Learn and practice self-management tools for healthy living, including, gardening, nutritious cooking and eating, fun exercises, and a variety of self-care techniques, pain management, stress reduction, time management, positive thinking, and relaxation techniques.

Provided by Dr. Sofia Chavez, DNM, Board Certified by American Naturopathic Medical Association, CO Registered Psychotherapist, COTA- Occupational Therapy

Clinic Schedule 2016-2017

Private Sessions by appointment.
Third-3rd Saturday of the Month Community Clinic by appointment

NADA Ear Acupuncture $25.00 Get on the list! Receive email or text notifications of NADA Dates. Call 303-726-7119 or email Estarahealth@comcast.net

Holistic Integrative Clinic - We Accept Referrals from your physician
Estara combines Indigenous Reiki TM, Holistic Integrative Therapies and Auricular Medicine to create a unique 30-minute healing experience. Ear-Auricular Therapy is an ancient Mayan-Mexican technique that is supported and documented by modern scientific studies to be effective. It is used for a variety of physical conditions, addictions, pain management, improves mood, aides in treating depression and anxiety, allergies and more.

Closed Holiday Week-ends and Closed on Heavy Snow Days, Call in Advance! 303-726-7119
Located at 7475 W. 5th Ave, Lakewood CO, 80226 Suite 101B

dance of the flower medicineEstara Dance Of The Flower Medicine Community Event
2016 La Casa Quigg Newton - Sunny Side Resource Fair

2015 Events

Twenty Dollar Tuesdays
Every First and Third Tuesday of the Month- starts January 20th, 2015. Mornings 10am-12pm by appointment only 303-726-7119 (Walk in 1:00-5:00PM) Click Here for Details

Wednesday Wellness Clinic
Referrals from Denver Health - La Casa Clinic are accepted
Every Second and Fourth Wednesday of the Month- by appointment 303-726-7119
Click Here for Details

Summer / Fall 2014 Events

Estara Program's Community Health Education Project with Denver Housing, HUD and Metro State continues.

University of New Mexico Curanderismo Class and Taos Retreat. OME and Estara Community collaboration in Denver

Wednesdays at Denver Health Clinic
Thursdays at Sunny Side: Community Health Education and Wellness
Fridays at South Lincoln: Community Health Education and Wellness
Monthly Class: Indigenous Wellness Series 2014 held at Estara in Lakewood
Monthly Class: Indigenous Wellness Series 2015 to be announced

Grand Junction - 2015 Indigenous Medicine Series

Where: Hospice Care Center, 3090 N. 12th Street, Room 102
When: May 16 and 17th / October 24 and 25th
Time: 10am-5:00pm
Fee: $75
For complete details and registration click here.

May 16 and 17th - Intro to Series: Emotions-Organs-Pain Body, Global Ancestral Health Models, Mesoamerican Aromatherapy, Mesoamerican Acupressure Body & Auricular

October 24 and 25th - Meridians, Chakras, Cosmic Forces, Kinam-Mayan Yoga- Tree of Life- Mindfully Working with the Web of Life, Indigenous Sound & Healing-The Shaman's Horse Practitioner Self Care

Experiential and Educational Series is provided by Sofia Chavez-Hilton, Founder of Estara Health & Wellness, Candidate Doctorate in Natural Medicine, Graduate of Metropolitan State University, BS in Integrative Therapeutic Practices, Assoc. Degree in Occupational Therapy, Licensed Massage Therapist, Clinically Certified Aroma-therapist, Reiki Master-Bio Field Trained, Trained in Curanderismo, Meso American Healing Systems, Sound and Healing Modalities, Advanced Auricular Medicine. CO Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Biofeedback Practitioner. 2009 Pilot Research Project, partnerships to facilitate integration of Curanderismo into Primary Care. 2012 Observational Study using Indigenous Reiki TM on Chronic Pain. Must pre-register 48 hours in advance at EstaraHealth@comcast.net or call 303-726-7119

Past Events

Preserving Our Relations Event
2013 Indigenous Medicine Series -

Where: Metro State University
When: Third Thursday of the Month
Time: 5 to 8PM - 3 hours
Fee: $30
For complete details and registration click here.

2013 International Conference of Shamans - Pilgrimage to Mexico

Where: Mexico
When: March 20-28, 2013
This trip will be planned twice a year - please contact us about future dates.

Join Divine Adventures March 20-28, 2013 in Mexico and take part in a chance of a lifetime opportunity to participate in the "International Conference of Shamans," as this is the first time the conference has been opened to the outside world!

healing ceremony

On our first pilgrimage to Mexico, Divine Adventures participates in the International Conference of Shamans - a collaboration of Shamans and Traditional Healers. This is an international movement to encourage individuals to get involved in positive planetary changes, worldwide economic stability and unity consciousness through Indigenous Medicine. The goal of the conference is to support change through Spirituality, Health, Education and Economic Sustainability. Here, shamans and healers will share their ancient wisdom with the current medical environment.

March 20 - 28 Itinerary
Divine Adventures Registration Form

The trip supports Estara Students and Individuals promoting positive Planetary changes and global unity consciousness.

Ancient Prophesy: North connecting with the South. Not just about people and countries, but about concepts and philosophies meeting on a middle ground. Healing the World through Holistic Health, Modern Science and Indigenous Medicine. Trying to get Political Leaders, Spiritual Leaders, Health Care Leaders and Holistic and Indigenous Practitioners on common ground.


Fall 2012 Events

Starting in September, 2012, Estara Program's Community Health and Education Project with Denver Housing, HUD and Metro State will begin. Continue in 2013.

2013 Events

2012 Grand Junction Series:
Building Bridges of Awareness Connecting the North and South

Saturday September 22, 2012 and Sunday, Sunday September 23, 2012 Two Day Workshop
Unit II: Introduction to Indigenous Reiki, Tapping into the Meridian Labyrinth of The Body using the Curanderismo Perspective™ and Web of Life

Workshop held at 3090 N. 12th Street, Suite 102

How does Reiki work, understanding the Meridian Body used in Acupuncture, why the energy field is called an Aura, wheels of energy called the Chakras and how this relates to your personal health and growth.

2012 Grand Junction Series:
Building Bridges of Awareness Connecting the North and South

Sunday September 23, 2012
Reiki I Practitioner Training

Class held at 3090 N. 12th Street, Suite 102

How does Reiki work, understanding the Meridian Body used in Acupuncture, why the energy field is called an Aura, wheels of energy called the Chakras and how this relates to your personal health and growth.

Reiki I is $100 Indigenous Reiki Tapping into the Meridian Labyrinth of the Body using the Curanderismo Perspective. Participants will receive attunement and Certificate as Trained in Indigenous Reiki Level I Practitioner.

Estara Programs - August, 2012

Observational Study utilizing Indigenous Healing Modalities in the treatment of Chronic Pain with Denver Health

August 2012 Events

August 1 to 15 - Sacred Sweat Lodge

Dance of the Flower Medicine Event

Presented by Estara Integrative Programs
and Sofia Chavez Hilton

Estara will be constructing the Sacred Sweat Lodge in Evergreen, Colorado.

This two week event will focus on traditions of Curanderismo- "Mexican and Native American Folk Healing" and build a Temezcal - Sacred Mexican Sweat Bath.

Estara Programs - August, 2012

Observational Study utilizing Indigenous Healing Modalities in the treatment of Chronic Pain with Denver Health

Society of Ethnobiology 35th Annual Meeting
"Conservation and Communities" Denver, Colorado
April, 1114, 2012

Dinner and an Evening with the Friends of
Estara Health and Wellness

Thursday, 12 April 2012 - 7:30pm
After the poster session, come enjoy dinner and an evening with the friends of Estara Health and Wellness. Beginning at 7:30pm, Estara Health and Wellness and local doctors will discuss the integration of Curanderismo in a clinical setting in Colorado and the international collaboration of traditional healers, curanderos and shamans in Mexico. A delicious Mexican buffet will be offered and the evening will finish off with an optional 20 minute Kinam and Toltec yoga routine led by an Estara practitioner.

Costs: $18 - Register here.

Roberto Saurez ParraApril 11th-16th, 2012
Dance of the Flower Medicine - Quarterly Event

Estara Health and Wellness in collaboration with CEDEHC brings our guest teacher, Roberto Suarez Parra from Guerrero Mexico.

Roberto operates a community clinic as well as teaches Mayan Massage, is a chiropractor, studied sports massage, pediatric massage, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, Bach Flores and medicinal plants. While in Denver, Roberto will offer private sessions as well as teach classes on Ancient Toltec/Mayan Yoga called Kinam and Meso American Sobada/Lymph Drainage. He will also share teachings of Azteca Flowers which are similar to Bach Flower Therapy throughout the week.

There will be two opportunities to take a 6 hour weekend class on KINAM which is a system of exercises composed of thirty-three variants of a hundred basic positions. This system of exercise was taken from the Central American sources (codexs reliefs, mural, and artifacts) and it is known as "the Toltec yoga" or "the yoga of Anahuac". Its purpose is to produce external and internal equilibrium, and to approach practical wisdom of the ancient ones of Mexico. Dynamic series are added, manual gestures, exercises of respiration, as well as technical techniques used to cleanse the vehicles of consciousness and help with self-awareness. book cover

Learn more about CEDEHC Curanderismo Classes and certificate programs
Centro De Desarrollo Humano Hacia La Comunidad AC Phone no:(52) (777)323 4381 CEDEHC.com.xm
Suggested Reading- 'Wind in The Blood' by Garcia, Sierra and Balam.
Learn how our Mayan and Chinese Ancestors used common healing methods


Schedule and Sign-UP

Please Call 303-726-7119 (Estara main number) for Private Session appointments. For classes sign up online here, or call.

  • Wednesday April 11th
    Private Sessions at 10 am or 1 pm. Sessions will include Meso-American massage/lymph drainage and Bach Flower/Azteca Flower Recommendations.
    Cost $50.00
  • Please Call 303-726-7119 (Estara main number) for Private Session appointments.

  • Wednesday Evening 6:30 pm -8:30 pm
    Presentation on lymphatic massage/sobada and Azteca Flower Remedies
    Cost $25.00 [Enrollment is limited.]

  • Thursday April 12th
    Private Sessions at 10 am or 1pm. Sessions will include Meso-American massage/lymph drainage and Bach Flower/Azteca Flower Recommendations.
    Cost $50.00
  • Please Call 303-726-7119 (Estara main number) for Private Session appointments.

  • Thursday Evening
    Dinner and an Evening with the Friends of Estara Health and Wellness
    After the poster session, come enjoy dinner and an evening with the friends of Estara Health and Wellness. Beginning at 7:30pm, Estara Health and Wellness and local doctors will discuss the integration of Curanderismo in a clinical setting in Colorado and the international collaboration of traditional healers, curanderos and shamans in Mexico. A delicious Mexican buffet will be offered and the evening will finish off with an optional 20 minute Kinam and Toltec yoga routine led by an Estara practitioner.
    Costs: $18.00 Sign up Link

  • Friday April 13th
    Private Sessions at 10 am or 1 pm. Sessions will include Meso-American massage/lymph drainage and Bach Flower/Azteca Flower Recommendations.
    Cost $50.00
  • Please Call 303-726-7119 (Estara main number) for Private Session appointments.

  • Saturday April 14th
    Kinam/Yoga instruction including information on the energy body, the chakras and the Bach/Azteca flower concepts to help the physical and and the Bach/Azteca flower concepts to help the physical and energy bodies. Class will be from 9 am to 4 pm.
    Cost $75.00 [Enrollment is limited.]
    Please dress comfortably for this class so you can take part and enjoy the experiential piece.
  • Please bring a lunch or plan on going out locally.

  • Sunday April 15th
    Kinam/Yoga instruction including information on the energy body, the chakras and the Bach/Azteca flower concepts to help the physical and and the Bach/Azteca flower concepts to help the physical and energy bodies. Class will be from 9 am to 4 pm.
    Cost $75.00 [Enrollment is limited.]
    Please dress comfortably for this class so you can take part and enjoy the experiential piece.
  • Please bring a lunch or plan on going out locally.

  • Monday April 16th
    Private Sessions at 10 am or 1 pm. Sessions will include Meso-American massage/lymph drainage and Bach Flower/Azteca Flower Recommendations.
    Cost $50.00
  • Please Call 303-726-7119 (Estara main number) for Private Session appointments.

  • Monday Evening Presentation on lymphatic massage/sobada and Bach/ Azteca Flower Remedies
    Cost $25.00 [Enrollment is limited.]

Curanderismo in the Modern World

February 13, 2012, 9 am to 11 am, Free

Prestige Plus Service of Longmont United Hospital, 910 Longs Peak Ave, Longmont, CO 80501

Curanderismo is a holistic system of Latin American Folk Medicine practiced in Mexico, Latin America, and the Southwestern United States. It can be defined as a set of traditional beliefs, rituals and practices that address the physical, spiritual, psychological and socail needs of the people who use it. Sofia Chavez will discuss the origin of Curanderismo and how it is currently practiced. The presentation will include a short ceremony and Curanderismo experience using Sound and Healing, ancient Raspada technique, Agua Florida-Aroma thereapy. Sofia is the founder of Estara Health and Wellness in Lakewood, Colorado. Her focus is on community health education and preventional care from the Curanderismo perspective, as well as developing partnerships to facilitate integration of Curanderismo with Primary Care.

Dance of the Flower Medicine - Special Event

Curanderismo Ear Acupressure Class

Offered twice in one weekend
Saturday, November 12th OR Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Location: At Estara 1385 Carr St., Lakewood, CO

Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
(There will be a one hour lunch break, so bring something or plan on eating out locally.)

Cost: $100.00 -
Registration is limited to 30 participants each day.

Estara Collaborates with CEDEHC


Workshop includes lecture and hands on work. At the completion of Class, the attendee will (1) Learn about the Meridian Body used in Acupuncture (2) Learn about concepts of how to treat common conditions and certain disorders (3) Locate zones on the ear that represent pathology of the body such as illness, pain and other disorders (4) Learn simple techniques of Raspada, Breath Exercises and Energy Balancing. There will also be demonstrations of ventosas-cupping and moxibustion.

Sofia Salazar a biologist by profession with a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Medicinal Plants will be teaching this 8 hour class. She has been in private practice for twelve years and is one of the founding therapists of the CEDEHC Community Clinic in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Learn how to treat common conditions such as headaches, fever, carpal tunnel syndrome, or back pain, nausea, dental pain, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, asthma addiction, fever, heat exhaustion, asthma, muscle and tendon injuries, poor blood circulation and other minor problems. Learn techniques used to balance the emotions.

Class recommended for community members, therapists and those trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine who wish to understand and remove cultural barriers to healthcare.

Learn more about CEDEHC Curanderismo Classes and certificate programs:
Centro De Desarrollo Humano Hacia La Comunidad AC Phone no:(52) (777)323 4381
Suggested Reading:
Wind in The Blood by Garcia, Sierra and Balam.
Learn how our Mayan and Chinese Ancestors used common healing methods.


Free Community Workship: Herbs for Health

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:30 -8:00 pm
Location: Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive
Presented by Sofia Chavez-Frederick, Holistic Health Practitioner and Founder of Estara Integrative Programs

Door prizes will be awarded at the end of the workshop.
Please register in advance by contacting Jeanette Snchez at 303-450-8935 or via email at jsanchez@northglenn.org.

Herbal Medicine, also called Botanical Medicine, refers to using seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark and flowers for medicinal purposes. Through-out history, people have used herbs and other parts of plants in their daily diet to stay healthy and balanced.

Remedies for lack of sleep, stress, depression, anxiety, pain, weight loss, hair loss, Fibromyalgia and skin problems are some of the most popular and in-demand herbal products. Learn how herbs can support good health, the history of herbal medicine, how herbs work, safety, how herbs are used in diet, and as remedies in a modern world.

Dance of the Flower Medicine - Special Event

Curanderismo Class with Juan Carlos Solano Alcocer

Two 8 Hour Workshop Dates:
Saturday, April 16th, 2011, 8AM to 5PM
Saturday, April 23rd, 2011, 8AM to 5PM

Cost $100.00 per Full Day Saturday Class
Preregistration is required please email info@estaraprograms.com for registration information

Morning Session:

Armonizacion energetica a traves del caracol y la obsidian

Learn about the cosmology of the Mexica people and their connection to the energies of the earth. Using the shell and the obsidian stone as examples, Juan Carlos will be discussing how the Mexica people use these tools to bring harmony to themselves and the world around them.

Afternoon Session:

Uso de la obsidiana asociados con otros elementos terapeuticos

Juan Carlos will be teaching basic techniques for using the obsidian stone to: unlock the power of the body, energetic cleansing for self and others and using the obsidian mirror for self introspection.

Juan Carlos will also be presenting at the Ancient Rituals and Healing Circle at Estara on April 21st 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Curanderismo Workshop Participant Comments:

I am grateful for the opportunities to EXPERIENCE the medicine not just read about it, or watch it but to actually feel it, hear it, see it and know that now it is now part of me. An absolute gift that lives within me and can be gifted to others in turn. The opportunities to work with our traditional and indigenous healers are rare and I'm always grateful that Estara finds a way to bring us all together.

The environment is comfortable, the people are amazing, and the learning experience is amazing! These classes really bring things together in such a harmonious way...

Juan Carlos shared his knowledge and heart with us. He increased my level of understanding about the Directions and deities, introduced the Aztec calendar with meaningful lessons, demonstrated practical wisdom for energy work with the Obsidian, and offered beautiful insights to inspire my role as a Lightworker.

This class with Juan Carlos provided me with valuable information, practical skills, and also touched me deeply emotionally. The center and the whole group / class experience was uplifting and supportive. I highly recommend this class!

I felt truly inspired and empowered by the Curanderismo class at Estara. I used some of the techniques that I learned in the Reiki treatments that I gave following the class. They were powerful. I spoke with several other participants and each of them were as impressed as I was!

The class was very interesting and enjoyable. J.C,, was very well informed and answer all questions with knowledge and respect.

Saturday, February 26, 2011, 6 Hours, Registration Required
Location: Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Colorado, Grand Junction, CO

Topic: Pain Body
Mental Health and Spiritual Practices from the Indigenous Perspective Workshop Recognition of Pain Body and Techniques to Release Emotions

Six (6) hour workshop Cost: $60.00. Seating is limited. Registration is based on date of registration with deposite recieved. Registration Form Workshop Brochure

Workshop Description: Meso-American healers believe that we are more than just a physical body and that our emotions and mental states affect our physical health. They utilized the concept of True Occupation to develop self-awareness and promote healing in the mind and body. They knew that our Occupations are different at various stages of our lives. Learn Mindful Attention techniques and how to create a Sacred Space in order to integrate spiritual practices as a way of life.


  • Learn about the science behind these ancient healing philosophies.
  • Learn to recognize our Pain Body and when we are over-identifying with it.
  • Learn how to include spiritual practices into your daily activities

Deep relaxation, stress management, release of endorphins, immune system enhancement, mental clarity, self awareness and expanded consciousness

Recommended Reading:
Curandero by Eliseo Cheo Torres, Woman Who Glows in The Dark by Elena Avila, Wind in the Blood by Garcia, Sierra, Balam, The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge MD, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Instructor Information:
Sofia Chavez-Frederick is a Holistic Health and Community Education Practitioner, holds a BS in Integrative Healing Practices-Holistic Health Professional. Ms. Chavez-Frederick is also trained in Curanderismo, Meso American Healing Systems, Indigenous Sound & Healing Modalities
Workshop Location: Workshops will take place on Saturdays at Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Colorado located at 3090 B N. 12th Street  Room 102, from 9:00am-5:00pm.
More Information: contact Mary Watson at 970.683.4927 or email mwatson@hospicewco.com

Monday, December, 13, 2010 from 5:30 to 8:30PM-
Registration Required

An Evening with Maestra Velia of Cuernavaca, Mexico and Sofia Chavez Frederick

Maestra Velia and Sofia will be presenting on the Ancient Ways and Medicines of the Americas including Curanderismo and its many healing modalities.

Velia is from one of the oldest lineages of Curanderas in Mexico. She is a teacher at CEDEHC in Mexico. Sofia Chavez-Frederick is a gifted teacher and founder of Estara Health and Wellness

Seating for this event is limited and registraion is required.
To register print out this form and mail it to Estara with payment as soon as possible.

Saturday-Sunday, October 22 to 23, 2010

Second Annual Four Corners Conference, 2010: Globalization Past, Present and Future Impacts: Real and Imagined--a Dialogue on Globalization

Sophia will be presenting at the conference at Mesa State University in Grand Junction, Colorado. To read more, use this link: http://www.mesastate.edu/spanish/fcc/index.html

Estara Health & Wellness Grand Opening

Sunday, June 13, 2010 - 11AM to 6PM

Estara Health & Wellness and The Center of Well-Being
Invite You To An Open House

  • Where: 1385 Carr Street, Lakewood 80214
  • What:
    • Demos throughout the day
    • Door prize drawings
    • Silent auction - Community Fundraiser
    • Get to know the practitioners
    • Learn about the services offered
    • Refreshments
    • Music by Stephen Pranger, 'Singing Bowls'

Join us for the fun and enjoy an opportunity to learn more about:

Meso-American Massage, Reiki, Sound Healing, Aromatheraphy, Curanderismo
Sofia Chavez-Frederick, www.EstaraPrograms.com 303-726-7119
Skincare and Makeup
Stephanie Millonig, www.Anasskincare.com 303-898-8085
Get What You Want Easily - Law of Attraction and EFT
Barbara Hagerman, www.gethappygethappier.com 303-667-2223
Massage Therapy
Jason Dorris dorris_74@hotmail.com 303-808-5699
Reiki Healing and Chakra Balancing
Kathy Sietos, kathy.sietos@gmail.com 303-522-8460
Laser Teeth Whitening
Sherry Hevelone, self_imagelaser@yahoo.com 303-933-1248

Monday-Friday, August 2 to 6, 2010

Dance of the Flower Medicine - 2010

For complete details on this annual special event, please see the event's website
Dance of the Flower Medicine Website

Saturday, August 14, 2010 - 3PM

Balance for Women Physicians

Sofia Chavez-Frederick, Holistic Health Practitioner, will present at the The Balance For Women Physicians Annual Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Click here for additional information on The Balance For Women Physicians

Topic: My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture,
by Charlene Barrientes Ortiz and Sofia Chavez Frederick

  1. Describe three elements of curanderismo and other indigenous healing traditions
  2. Reflect on the impact of these mind-body-spirit connections and neuroscience on participant's practice
  3. Plan one way in which this enhanced cultural competency will change participant's practice

Monday, September 27, 2010 - 9:30AM to 10:45AM

Sofia Chavez-Frederick will present a talk on Curanderismo at Metro State College of Denver. This informative lecture is a short introduction to Curanderismo.
Location: Metro South Room 233

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - 8:00AM to 9:15AM

Sofia Chavez-Frederick will present a talk on Curanderismo at Metro State College of Denver. This informative lecture is a short introduction to Curanderismo.
Location: To Be Determined

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 - 12:30PM to 1:45PM

Sofia Chavez-Frederick will present a talk on Curanderismo at Metro State College of Denver. This informative lecture is a short introduction to Curanderismo.
Location: Metro Room MC5A