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Estara Health LLC website. This website is no longer active.
The site is maintained to document years of Curanderismo and Colorado Kalpulli Groupo Xochitl's work. Dr. Sofia has shifted her focus to other areas of Curanderismo and to support former apprentices who are now Kalpulli Maestras into leadership roles. The maestras will be hosting the Kalpulli Community Circles and teaching future apprentices. Dr. Chavez's work with Sacred psychedelic Mushrooms, Cultural Base Care CBC treatments, courses, presentations, events and collaborations can be found on Linkedin or email: luz, paz, amor, conciencia y Armonia- Ometeotl
Course Offerings
Education is a focus for Estara Programs. If you're interested in learning holistic health and wellness techniques, you're encouraged to sign up for classes. Learn for yourself and then help to promote complimentary health treatments in your community.
For information on classes please contact:
Click the link name below to read more.